Historical Cemetery Walk @ Pemberville

The 6th Annual Historical Cemetery Walk will take place on Saturday, October 12 and will feature Eisenhour Cemetery. Take a guided tour of the cemetery and learn about the lives of five historical figures from the Pemberville area. The first tour will start at 4:55 p.m. and the last tour will start at 9:35 p.m. This event is free, and registration is required. To register for a tour time, please visit the Pemberville Public Library.

Building Adventures

Build with bricks, blocks, planks, and logs! The library is opening up its trove of building materials for you to use in creating whatever your imagination can come up with.

Registration is recommended but not required. Sign up in person or by calling 419-837-5948.

Stuffed Animal Sleepover!

A pile of stuffed animals with informative text about the Stuffed Animal Sleepover event.

Bring your stuffed animals to a sleepover!

Children and their stuffed animals will have projects and snacks they can enjoy before they part ways for the night. Then, come back the next day to pick up your stuffed animal and learn all about their overnight adventures!

Registration is required and attendance is limited! Sign up by calling 419-287-4012 or in-person at the Pemberville Public Library.

Luckey Branch Closed

The Luckey Branch Library will be closed on Saturday, September 28 for the Luckey Fall Festival. Visit the library's Kids Zone in the Commercial Tent at the Fall Festival for a free book and fun activities!

Don't forget, you can access library resources anytime from home. You can download books and audiobooks and stream videos from both Hoopla and the Ohio Digital Library. Read magazines on Flipster and learn just about anything from one of the many resources on the Ohio Web Library. All you need is your library card and your PIN (last four digits of your phone number).

Tween Challenge @ Pemberville

Tween Challenges are programs just for kids in 5th through 8th grades. Every month the Tweens will be challenged to complete a fun task! Registration is required and space is limited. Please call or visit the library to register.

Iron Chef: That's How we California Roll Challenge

Yes, it's a sushi challenge! (This one is vegetarian).

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