Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees for the Pemberville Public Library and Branch Libraries in Stony Ridge and Luckey

John Selzer - President

Sharon Nigh - Vice President

Mary Jo Bish
Ron Eckel
Steve Gross
David St. Louis
Amber Stark

Board Meetings:

Board meetings are the third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in the Pemberville Public Library Community Room. If the location or time of a meeting changes, it will be announced in the Sentinel-Tribune and on the library's Facebook page prior to the meeting. Library Board meetings are open to the public. Any community members who have suggestions for improvement of library service are invited to attend meetings, talk to Board members, and/or talk to the Director.

Board Trustees:

The Board of Trustees is made up of seven Trustees, appointed by the library's taxing authority the Eastwood Local Schools Board of Education, that serve terms of seven years. The terms are staggered so one Trustee's term ends each year on December 31. Anyone interested in serving on the Board of Trustees may send a letter to the library indicating their interest (usually in November each year). Interested parties must be residents of the Eastwood Local School District, as that is the library's service district. Please contact the Library Director for more information.

Board Minutes:

January 2024

February 2024

March 2024

April 2024